The Lantern: Give Tressel the Boot

The Lantern is the tOSU student newspaper. Not exactly a reliable source for unbiased information, but in this case, it does tell us how Jim Tressel is viewed by one of his most loyal fanbases. And right now, this article says that the fact that tOSU did not fire Jim Tressel sends a clear message that the state of college football in this country has begun to spiral out of control. It's a good read, and worth a click.

The NCAA shouldn't suspend Jim Tressel for more than two games. It shouldn't fine him more than $250,000 dollars. It shouldn't bar him from spring practice and summer workouts.

After it finishes its investigation, the NCAA should recommend Jim Tressel's termination as head football coach at The Ohio State University.

This incident is further proof that college athletics is spinning out of control, and a message needs to be sent to university presidents and athletic directors who let rule-breaking coaches keep their jobs because they win games and sell tickets.


  1. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Don't delay! Buy yours now!!!

  2. You're so right ... spinning way out of control! The past 11 months and what tOSU dirty coaches, dirty players, dirty administration and dirty fans have done and gotten away with, has provided yet another reminder of how WINNING in college sports at all costs can be intricately tied with cheating and/or blurring of the rules. tOSU Buckeyes have mastered it!

    Can only hope the NCAA has the b.... to administer the punishment Sir Teflon, his players, coaches, AD, President, administration and all of their self righteous fans so deserve!

    GO BLUE!

